What to Expect

Every human possesses the need to be heard. When one is heard healing begins.

Let’s get comfortable.

Because we are usually dealing with a crisis or feeling some level of stress and vulnerability when we decide to seek out counseling, I think it is important to know where you are going and what to expect when you get here. This often helps people to feel more relaxed about the first appointment.

Videoconferencing Location

I am located in beautiful Northern California. By the day before our session together I will send you a zoom meeting link to our previously agreed upon location, either to your email or as a text message. We will have our session together on ZOOM. Five minutes prior to our start time I will greet you. I encourage you to find yourself in a place where you are cozy and comfortable and will not be interrupted. After I greet you, our session will begin and last fifty minutes.


In Person Office Visit

The office is located 1369 G Street in Arcata, California in a beautiful two-story Victorian. On the day of your visit park in back and make your way through the unlocked gate to the right. Once through the gate you will see stairs to your left. Take those stairs up and enter through the door.

Once you are in, to your left is the bathroom. Off to the right, you will see a nook where we ask everyone to remove thier shoes. You can put your shoes in one of the cubbies. After you have removed your shoes, continue further into the space. You will pass a small kitchenette on your left. Take a right and walk past two doors to the waiting room. I will greet you there.


First Session

During the first session, we will connect and get to know each other. You can immediately begin talking about what has brought you into therapy. At the end of the first session, I will give you my impressions and recommendations about what I feel would be best for you on your healing path. You will leave the first session with a thorough experience of how I work and how we can work together. I tell clients that they are looking for 2 main things in the first session. One is do they feel comfortable with me? Does it feel like the right fit? And Two, do they have confidence from what has transpired during the session that I am qualified to help them with their particular issue. In choosing a therapist, it is important to answer both of those questions and to follow your heart/intuition in deciding.


Regular Meetings

From there, if we decide to work together, we will be meeting on a regular basis, usually weekly. As this is the ideal frequency to address the issues you bring in; getting the results that you seek. People see the most consistent progress when therapy is regular. The therapeutic process can be boiled down to one very important word — connection. As we connect, you will learn to connect to yourself in deeper ways. It is this connection and awareness about ourselves that contribute to a more fulfilling life and more enjoyable relationships. If you would like more information about individual listening and counseling therapy sessions please call me at 707-620-4578 or email me at contact@the-listener.com.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

(707) 267-7393

P.O. Box 4558, Arcata CA 95518
