Gaia Thiele is the Listener

Every human has the need to be heard. When one is heard healing begins.

Gaia Thiele is the Listener

M.A. Integral counseling psychology

Gaia will listen to you with warmth and compassion. With a M.A. in Integral Clinical Counseling Psychology and a certificate in core skills trauma training, Gaia offers individual listening therapy sessions in person (at his office or outdoors) or online. He currently serves as a private practitioner working with a broad spectrum of clients.

Gaia offers confidential Client-centered active listening and supportive inquiry that anchors on seeing the wholeness within each client, even though a client may not see this in themselves. His approach is one of unconditional positive regard backed with a tool box of theraputic interventions. 

As a professionallly trained Integral Counseling Therapist, his practice is clinically, somatically,  Hakomi, Internal Family Systems, Sensorimotor, Body-Mind Centering, Transpersonal, and trauma informed

Besides educational training, Gaia has gained unique listening skills. Due to medical complications on his vocal cords, Gaia could not talk for 16 years. He could only whisper sparingly. In that time Gaia gained deep insights into listening, the construction of the personality and into the nature of being.

A Closer Look

In being clinically trained Gaia is referring to being trained in the four main forms of therapy found in clinical psychology. These are psychodynamic, humanistic, behavioral/cognitive behavioral, and systems or family therapy. Along with these, Gaia is trained in clinical assessment.

In being Integral trained Gaia is referring to being trained in a therapeutic system concerned with exploring and understanding the totality of the human phenomenon….which at its breadth, covers the entire body-mind-psyche-feeling-relational-spirit spectrum. Integral psychology explores both the conscious and unconscious dimensions of all these systems and thier relationship to each other. Integral psychology encompasses what is illuminated in Clinical Psychotherapy, somatic therapy and Transpersonal Psychology.

The school of psychology involving a client’s connection to the supra-conscious dimension of life, which Clinical Psychotherapy often ignores is called Transpersonal Psychology.

Transpersonal Psychology supports the study of Self inquiry, Self actualization,  (the self-Self relationship), awe, wonder, bliss, peak and unitive experiences, spirituality, encounters with the transcendent, expanded consciousness, ecstatic rites, and connection with source.

In terms of a client’s connection to life’s supra-conscious dimension, Gaia’s expertise is in helping people integrate and process both their healthy and convoluted experiences with the supra-conscious dimension of reality.

Hakomi Method, Sensorimotor and Body-Mind Centering are forms of mindfulness-centered somatic psychotherapy.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is a way of working with the internal community of sub personalities in an individual.

Helping People is my Service

  • Helping people through active listening and presence.
  • Hepling people cultivate Self love and compassion
  • Helping people befriend their heathy resources
  • Helping people with stress management
  • Helping people “sit” with uncertainty, pain, and discomfort
  • Helping people with healthy boundary making
  • Helping people with emotional regulation
  • Helping people with shame processing and inner and outer critic work
  • Helping people with Trauma and CPTSD
  • Helping people identify, name, explore, befriend and healthfully work with their triggers
  • Helping people through grief and loss
  • Helping people with forgiveness work
  • Helping people climb out of cognitive distortions that reinforce a charged hyper and hypo- aroused  response
  • Helping people through companionship to relieve loneliness
  • Helping people by being a transformational life ally

My Experience & Education

  • B.A. in History
  • B.A. in World Religions and Cultures
  • M.A. in Integral – Clinical Counseling Psychology
  • One year as a volunteer group facilitator for the Center for Attitudinal Healing.
  • Four years as a Hospice grief group facilitator volunteer.
  • Certificate in core skills trauma work.
  • Impassioned continued in-depth studies into numerous schools of psychology, mindfulness, symbolism, mysticism and Trauma.

I Work With Individuals

In Person Office Visits


Needing someone to listen? Feeling stressed, anxious, frozen, isolated or overwhelmed? For in person support, reach out to the Listener. I have a beautiful office location in Arcata, California.


Be heard from the comfort of your own space with a tele-conference therapy session.

In Person Outdoor Sessions

The-Listener offers outdoor sessions when the weather is nice. Have it be sitting on a park bench, while gardening, or going for walks in our community’s forested parks.

Contact Me

Ask a question or book an appointment below.
For emergencies call 911 or visit your nearest hospital

(707) 267–7393

P.O. Box 4558, Arcata CA 95518